Fun facts about Dali

Dali was a very extravagant artist of the 20th century. Here are some fun facts about him and his life.

Dali leaves the academy of beaux-arts in Madrid because he said that nobody had the skills to evaluate his paintings.

Royal Palace at Madrid Spain
Académie des beaux-arts, Madrid

Dalí had erotic dreams of 12 year old girls and had an obsession for Hitler. The Central Committee of the Communist Party reacts, which summoned him in January 1934 to Breton.
He presented himself as sick: with a sweater and a thermometer.
Once the accusation was over, he read his argument by doing a striptease.
He said in a gross way that he was only transcribing his particular dreams.

Salvador Dali

In 1936, Dali had the brilliant idea of ​​wearing a deep-diving suit at the International Surrealist Exhibition in London. Since he was eccentric, the witnesses thought he was gesticulating to be comical when he nearly died choking.

Salavador Dali in deep-diving suit

He went to the university in a yellow and black Rolls-Royce, filled with cauliflowers, which he gave as autographs.

Black and yellow Rolls Royce

He had an ocelot as a pet.

Salvador Dali and his ocelot

He collaborated with Walt Disney for an animated film: Destino.

Destino, Walt Disney & Salvador Dali

He made the original logo of the brand Chup Chups.

Chupa Chups logo

For the launch of a perfume named « Fracas », Dali, in charge of making a work for the showcase of the store, appeared on the day of the launch and just threw a pavement in the window of the shop.

Perfume Fracas

According to Dali, the Perpignan train station is the center of the world.

Salvador Dali at the Perpignan train station

Dali created his own museum in his villa and asked to be buried there.

Dali museum

Dali met Alice Cooper in a strange way. First, according to Alice Cooper, Dali came with a giraffe skin coat and curly boots. He ordered a cup of hot water.
Then, he gave to Alice Cooper a sculpture of his brain that contained an éclair au chocolat covered with real living ants.

Salvador Dali and Alice Cooper

One day in Paris, while living in the Hotel Meurice, Dali summoned the press. In his suite he prepared bags that contain liquid paints. He opened the window, stepped on the balcony and threw the bags of paint on the parked cars. He named the painting Explosion.

Salvador Dali at the Hotel Meurice

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